
I have worked as a Software Engineer since 2010. Until now, I am still more than happy to take my hand dirty :D. Most of my experiences are using Java with Spring technology. The articles here will consist of my writings about more tech-related topics. I will write mixed between Bahasa Indonesia or English.

I want to become more productive in writing various kinds of topics, not only tech-related. Writing is also one of my ways to becoming a better thinker. Eh? Is there a relationship between writing and thinking? Keep this in your mind. You MUST read very much to become a good writer. With readings, you will expand your vocabulary, extend your knowledge, and adding more points of view. Indirectly, Your way of thinking will be more profound and critical.

Besides my daily activities as a Software Engineer, I regularly trained in Brazilian Jiujitsu (BJJ) and Judo, I started training in 2016. in BJJ, I was also certified as BJJ fundamental instructor from Alliance BJJ Indonesia. Wow, You are very busy? Ah, not really. Simple, You have to keep your body healthy to work properly :D Last but not least, you can contact me directly at me[at]kusandriadi[dot]com. Thank you :)
